Kapiti Island Nature Tours

Kapiti Island and Kapiti Nature Reserve is world-renowned for its diversity and density of NZ birdlife. We are free of any introduced predators and consequently bird population growth is occurring at an extraordinary rate.
Kapiti is home to the world’s principal wild population of little spotted kiwi (approx 1200) and we offer highly successful guided walks for overnight visitors to view kiwi. Additionally the island supports viewable populations of takahe, kaka, saddleback, stitchbird, kokako, New Zealand robin, whitehead, kakariki (red-crowned parakeet), kereru (New Zealand pigeon), morepork, kingfisher, weka, as well as a good range of shorebirds, waders and migratories.
Kapiti is not a zoo, and the guiding principle for the island is conservation of NZ indigenous flora and fauna. Good walking tracks give access to all species.
We offer both day and overnight trips from Paraparaumu Beach (1 hour’s drive north from Wellington). Accommodation is provided on an "all meals basis" in "simple and modest" cabins set in lovely regenerating New Zealand native bush. Advance bookings are essential as visitor numbers strictly limited.
As well as the wonderful natural attractions of Kapiti Island, a rich and interesting cultural and historical story make Kapiti a great place to spend two or three days.
Kapiti Island Nature Tours Contact Details
Kapiti Island Nature Tours
Kapiti Nature Lodge
Waiorua Bay, Kapiti Island, NZ
P O Box 28, Otaki 5542
Kapiti Island Nature tours
PO Box 28
Otaki 5542
Freephone : 0800 547 5263
Mobile : 64 (0)21 126 7525