Glenfern Sanctuary

The Greatest Little Sanctuary in the World
Glenfern Sanctuary as we know it today is an 83 hectare Regional Park consisting of native remnant and regenerating bush and pond areas providing a unique opportunity for visitors to see a diverse range of New Zealand’s native flora and fauna in one place. It is also the main gateway to the predator fenced 240ha Kotuku Peninsula on the north-western coastline of Aotea/Great Barrier Island. Glenfern Sanctuary is committed to creating a safe haven for our native species.
Founded by former owner and conservationist the late Tony Bouzaid, the property was purchased in mid-2016 by funding from the Nature Heritage Foundation (DOC) and Foundation North together with Auckland Council who officially owns the land.
Open daily from 10 am we welcome the public to share this space and enjoy the delights of some of Aotea's most threatened species. Accommodation is available for corporate groups or families, day tours and night-time tours are also available. With both vehicle and boat access. We have everything needed to make your visit memorable.
Glenfern Sanctuary Contact Details
Glenfern Sanctuary
20 Glenfern Road
Port Fitzroy
Great Barrier Island 0961